Friday 8 December 2017

Animation Evaluation

Create your own user feedback survey
The project we had to for this assignment was to create a video to a brief in this case the brief was for us to create an E4 Esting for the Channel E4.

The way I decided to review my animation project is via a written report on it, the reason for this is because with a written report you are able to check and fix your mistakes easily and make the whole thing look more professional, where as if you were to do that in a oral presentation then you wouldn't be able to fix properly and still make it look as nearly professional and it should have. Once of the
project of the stop motion animation was completely finished, I had then to distribute and exhibit my work and the main way I did that is by uploading it to my college's YouTube Channel allowing it to get some publicity and because it's easy and free to do, the bad thing about it is because if you don't have a big channel or don't get many views you won't get as much publicity as a big channel would and even when searching for the animation it won't be seen easily as there will be tons of other stop motion animation videos on YouTube and most made from more popular channels so people will most likely watch them instead.

 But there were other ways I could exhibit my project, one of the ways would be posting/sharing on different social medias, like Facebook, Twitter. Another way I could show of the project is by posting on public blogs and post and creates it own thread which will allow people to see it and also be able to comment on it as well. Another way which is via YouTube is by spending some money on making it a advertisement and allowing even more people to see rather than the just limiting to the people who watch the videos on the college's channel and allow others to see it before watching what they selected and if the advert intrigues them they can click on it and watch it again and be able to share as well to show other people. But after posting the video on the college's channel i had to get feedback on what people thought of it The main way I got feedback from my stop motion animation project is by creating a questionnaire with question that were based on a criteria we had to follow in order to get the best possible feedback.

Above is the criteria we had to follow when making our questions for our questionnaire and we had to make sure that the question we used were relevant to these bullet points and make sure they were validated by a peer as well.
I was surprise with the amount of females that were answering the questionnaire as my I sent the questionnaire to mostly my target audience's gender, which was male, but having a feminine opinion is good as well.

It's good that mostly the people who answered are around the age of my target audience which is 16-21, but also great to have opinion outside of it and it gives the answer more of a range.

The response mostly follows what I was making the stop motion animation was which was a Sci-Fi, comedy, this makes me glad that people were able to perceive that from my stop motion animation.

It's good to know that my stop motion animation project did show that the ESting was targeted towards the 16-21 target audience.

Its good to know that more than half liked the narrative of the story and the rest where still weren't negative about it.

The answer were all mostly unique to themselves and all provided helpful information about what they liked about my media project.

The answers in this one are somewhat plain with information, but still offer some closure on whether or not they liked the feel of the characters in the stop motion animation.

These answer were also somewhat plain with information, but there were also a few which provided very useful information about it.

This one had much for information about my media project that I can makes it very useful feedback for me.

The reaction overall,  I got when I first saw the result was slight happiness as they were almost all positive, as most people had good things to say about it.

When making the stop motion animation, surprisingly I didn't suffer hardly any constraints. especially not with things legally as everything I did I made sure all was all legal by making the sure the location I used, was safe to use and also I got the owner to sign a location release, in order to allowing me to use that location and also made sure that the actor I used also has sign a release in
order to let them be in video. I also didn't have any financial difficulties due to college having a budget allowing us to buy materials and props for a stop motion animation, the only real constraint I had was that the material we did buy had to be shared with the other people in the class only allowing me to have a limit amount of it in order to be able to create my octopus character, but even with that, I was still able to do it. The biggest constraint of the project was the time limit we had, because we only had four weeks in order to plan the project, do the pre-production paperwork, film the production and then edit it altogether.

For my time management,  I could've spent time better, as I spent more time on the pre-production then I needed to, leaving me having less time in order to do the editing at the end of the production. With this project making us have to follow a brief we obviously had to make sure we followed it and in my own project I believe I did follow it. A reason why I followed it was because the brief said that we had to make the "ESting" no more than ten seconds long, which is what I did as my stop motion animation project was exactly ten seconds, another thing was that we had to use the music that they included with the brief as it will cause them any sort of copyright problems, as they will be using the music they made and won't cause a copy right infringement and of course I used their music in my project as well. As I have explained before the way I got the feedback for my stop motion animation project was by doing the a questionnaire and sending it out to my target audience which male teenagers 16-21 and also people outside of the target audience as well and also to my friends and family.

The reaction I got from them was quite good and almost all positive with some small things that people noticed about it and I also got the same reaction from my peer as well when they watch it, saying it was great and only had small bad things to say about it. This project has made me learn what it's truly like when working to a brief and proves the difficulty of it and allows me to understand what I will be getting into when I join the media industry in the future. Following a brief made me become more creative as I had to think of idea that would be creative, unique and fit the brief and keep it under ten seconds, it was challenge put it allowed me to test my limits when creating a media project.
I believe that from doing this project, it has shown me to be able to know that I will be able to work in the media industry and be able to think and do projects when they are under a strict brief we have to follow and also it has shown me that the stop motion animation part of the media industry is not for me and that I prefer being able to work we humans and be able to pick out shots with them in mind and not inanimate object as the talents can also give you feed back on what they think they should do where in animation they can't so its just left to the director to do everything and no get much feedback.

Personal Reflection:

For my own stop motion animation I believe that I made it to the best of my ability, but they were things I would change if I could go back and re-film and edit the stop motion animation, for instance I would change how to box moves around the screen a lot of time throughout the animation  and if i was re-filing and I would make it more stationary, but the movement of the box made it so it looked like the octopus character was trying to escape and was moving the box from the inside, which like I've said before is by add sound effects in the video to make it sound like he was hitting the box around the screen. Another thing I would change is the actual animation of the octopus, as at some
scenes it looks very jumpy of the movements of the arms and the body of the octopus, this was of course because of the structure of character was falling apart during the production, but even with that the animation, it still worked well with the video and the stop motion animation. The last thing I would change about my stop motion animation ESting is the colour correction of the editing as it looks similar to each other but I can tell its not and I would just change it and make it look exactly alike. But overall I liked my stop motion animation, it followed the brief exactly and if it was put in the competition I believe it would give the other entries, a run for their money. 

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