Monday 30 October 2017

Story Ideas for Screenplays

Idea 1:

Idea 2:Based on a news story

My idea for this one is from a news article about how google dropped everything they were doing in order to fix the burger emoji, due the fact of it having the cheese at the bottom of the burger instead of it being on top like Apple has. In the story it will be people in a office finding out about the emoji and everything starts to go into chaos and trying to fix it with artist drawing frantically the new emoji and others on the computer looking up research of burgers.

Idea 3:Based off a Film's Scene:

For this one i want the story to be more dialogue heavy and you get to the know the characters through what they say and do, the film examples of this i will use will be "Inglorious Bastards", specifically the first scene between Hanz Landa and a character who is hiding Jewish people under his house and from this scene you can tell a lot about Hanz and what kind of person he is. That is the kind of thing i want to create which mainly focuses on dialogue of the character and only use small movements to helps the person expression their dialogue's meaning better.

Idea 4 - My Own Idea:

My own idea is about a main character in which every time they fall unconscious they change locations, making both the audience and the main character confused on why that is happening. In the need of the story you find out it's a dream. There are scenes in the story which the main character is running through a forest or inside a classroom or getting mugged by two but there are hints throughout the story to show that the main character is in a dream, from having the same people in the same locations, but playing different roles. an example of a transition of main character covering his face with his arms, camera pans in and the scene changes, main character looks shocked as he retrieves his arms from his face.
The main character is called Alex, who is  an private investigator, he has brown hair and wheres a leather jacket eith a white syop eith black ripped jeans, he also suffers from a rare condition of lucid dream, where he can control the dream,  but he doesn't know hes dreaming. The reason for him being in this dream is to try and remember who the main criminal is in his case and allows him to find him and arrest him.

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